A Girl follower of this asked like this:

“I would like to ask you one question related to my maid she has a boy 2.1 years old who has celebral palasy since the time of births . Doctors have been telling them the child will be cured slowly n will start to walk in 5 to 6 years. On seeing the child it does appear so . Please let me know what should be done so that the child gets cured fast . At present the child is bed ridden . Is the child born with disability is due to past karma n if so what is the remedy. Also is mercy death to such kids allowed or it will adding to the bad karma of parents. My maid is a very poor lady unable to bear the medical expenses of the child and is fed up of her life. Kindly advice accordingly I will inform her Please do not disclose my identity.”


Unfortunately, Mercy Killing is not allowed by the scriptures though it is allowed by the laws of some countries after getting legal approval.

Indian Scriptures strictly follow karma (destiny/ fate) concept in their every advice.

We have no right to kill a person, even to perform ‘mercy killing’ of for any reasons as said by our scriptures.

It is the unfortunate past karma/Destiny/ fate of the parents to get such children or to see their children acquire serious diseases in the course of their life.


Similarly, facing the pain of diseases is also due to the past karma/Destiny/ fate sin of the person who is suffering with the pains.

If the sons/ daughters has the karma/Destiny/ fate of taking care of his/ her parents with bed ridden diseases for long years and if the parents have the karma/Destiny/ fate of facing the pains, the parents will face such issues.

So, if the parents perform ‘mercy killing’ of their child (or) the children perform ‘mercy killing’ of their parents, the following two things will happen:

(i) The child/parent will escape from the karma/Destiny/ fate of protecting their ailed parent/ child till they naturally die. So, they will get the similar and still serious issue in their next birth and will be made to take care of an ailing person.

(ii) The person who was killed has to take birth again with the similar pain in his/ her next birth and will be made to face that pain till he naturally dies.


Because, both of them escape (or) made to escape from their karma/Destiny/ fate in this birth. So, they have to take another birth and face the similar pain or responsibility.


So, if they protect the ailing person till he/ she naturally dies, he will get a very good and healthy parents/children in their next birth.

And, the person who dies naturally after facing the pains for the fixed period, will also get next birth with good health.

So, we should never perform ‘mercy killing’ of anyone though it is allowed by the laws of the government.

It is definitely sinful.

(What karma gives a spouse who had violations before marriage? READ HERE!)

In your mentioned case, the maid can do the following:

(i) She may get treatment from the government hospitals that has no cost.

(ii) She can approach for the support from the philanthropists.  If she is not that much literate, you and your parents, friends, etc can arrange some money for releasing advt in the local news papers to collect donations for her treatment.  There are hundreds of philanthropists in every town who are willing to support genuine cases.

(iii) If you are earning well, you too can help her monetarily and also encourage her to face her pains.

(iv) You can search and find any N.G.O or Govt agencies who is running homes for taking care of such suffering persons and help her to get admission there.

(v) Or, you can help her to get a high paying job as a sweeper/ helper in a big company that will pay her many thousands of rupees.

(vi) I know many parents/ children who are taking care of mentally retarded persons, Visually challenged persons, bed ridden persons with dignity.  I have spread my best wishes and prayers to them and also some small supports to them.  In fact, they are the people we should honour, not just the persons who speak dry philosophies, spirituality without helping the suffering people.  Those who help the suffering people will be treated with huge respects in the highest court of the material world after death.

(vi) TREATING:  I will write a separate post on Cerebral Plasty soon after consulting my friendly doctors along with my inputs because I have seen such suffering persons.

(vii) Since the doctors have advised about the chance of cure in 5-6 years, thinking of ending his life is unnecessary also because he may become alright later. Any miracle can cure anyone at any stage.  So, never go for ending one’s life including suicide.

See there are kind hearted people to help her.  There are ways that can be shown to her by learned persons like you. You just help her by showing the route to find them.

Never encourage her to perform ‘mercy killing’ of her son just because the laws permit that after the approval of court. If you encourage that, you too will become a sinner, ie, the partner of that sin.

Hope this helps you.


Author: RAJAN

Having a long observation and association with all sections of people for decades, Rajan is promoting online media in different platforms including this blog website to guide lakhs of regular followers to prevent and solve their problems. He gives complete Counsellings and Tips on Medical, Health, Psychological, Women safety, Child safety, Issues in Family Relations, Love, Marriage, Personal life, etc.! His services have helped thousands of people to come out of negative thoughts and to change their way of approaching the problems in their life and hence he is considered as their trusted FRIEND to share the problems and get them counselled. He is also well known to follow strict confidentiality in his counselling services.

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