Are vegetarian foods inferior to fish & meat in supplying nutrients?

Are vegetarian foods inferior to fish & meat in supplying nutrients?

A Girl devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:

“I have a question about nutrition. In terms of nutrition, how will the body efficiently make/get DHA Omega-3 and EPA omega-3? By consuming Omega-3 through a vegetarian diet, Omega-3 in the form of ALA will be consumed. ALA is capable of converting into DHA and EPA, in a tiny amount. How will the body efficiently make DHA and EPA omega-3 in large quantities, following the Satvic diet, without consuming a Non-Vegetarian (such as fish) diet? May you please guide me with references? Aquatic organisms such as fish are rich in DHA Omega-3 and EPA OMEGA-3.”


I want to avoid writing scientific or medical aspects deeply while replying whether vegetarian foods inferior to fish & meat in supplying nutrients,? because it may confuse the readers.

I like to ask you: Why are you this much worried about Omega-3 and all?

Reply my question: Are all the vegetarians have bad health and sickness because of the lack of quality Omega-3?

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Are only non vegetarians healthy in this world?

For a normal living Less than 2000 Calories of energy and minimum required quantity of Vitamins are enough.

For example, Only 75mgs of Vitamin C is sufficient for a man per day. But, if you take an Amla, you will get 1000+ mgs of Vitamin-C, but the body excretes the excess Vitamin C thru urine. Vitamin C is received also thru other citric fruits like Oranges, Lemon, etc.

If you take carrots, your quota of Vitamin A can be got. But, many believe that Vitamin A is better to be taken thru Cod liver oil only that is an animal source.

If you take Milk, fruits and Green vegetables and green leafy vegetables, you can get your daily quota of Vitamin B-Complex.

If you take milk, nuts and pulses, you can get your daily quota of protein.

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Fat is also important for the functions of body. Just normal usage of gingelly oil will supply the fat with Good Cholesterol.

Thus, for a normal function of body, such normal usage of vegetables and fruits are enough.

Do you think that the hard working labours take nutrition calculating Omega-3, Vitamins, fats, etc?

No. Most of them take fermented watered rice mixed with buttermilk with some pickles (or) Some rotis with pickles.

But, they are able to work hard for hours under the Sun.

Remember, only those who are leading a sedentary work face all the diseases though they take healthy foods calculating all the nutrients.

The labourers take simple foods daily, but they keep their bodies always active.

So, they don’t face heart attacks, Blood pressure, Diabetes much except in a few cases.

I tell you: If you deeply think or analyse anything, you won’t get satisfied in life. You will always face some kind of dissatisfaction or worries in life.


Just keep the following principles in nutrition:

(i) Take a balanced food of all varieties of intake like fruits, vegetables, grains, oils and nuts. It is enough for the life time written for us.

(ii) If a person is not destined NOT TO face heart attack or Cancer in this birth, he will not face heart attack or Cancer though he is a chain smoker.

(iii) If a person is destined to face heart attacks, Cancer, etc, even a person with clean habits will face them.

(iv) Even many beggars get many children, but some billionaires are not blessed with children.

(v) Many physically and visually and mentally challenged persons have been blessed with kind spouse. But, some top earners with gopod health don’t get married.

(vi) So, just follow the basic way of living with the basically nutritious food. Many persons have lived for hundred years though they took just 100-200 grams of food every day. Eg: Kanchi Sankaracharya Sri Chandrasekarendra Swamy took just a small quantity of dhall rice every day and lived for full hundred years giving lectures and following sadhanas.

(vii) You are talking in terms of Omega-3, DHA, etc. But the real consideration should be Satva guna foods, Rajo guna foods and thamo guna foods.

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(viii) Satva guna foods, ie, the foods that enhance mode of goodness help us control our senses and focus on devotion. Only the Vegetarian foods except Onion, Garlic contain the ingredients that enhance satva guna.

(ix) If we take fish and other animals to get better Omega-3 with better absorption, we may get better Omega-3 as said by you, but, they will give a serious side effect of enhancing aggressiveness due to mode of passion and mode of ignorance.

(x) See, we are going to live just for a few decades in this body. During this tenure, we need not waste our mind and energy by worrying much about every component of nutrition. “Oh, I am taking less Vitamin-A, I am taking less fat, like that. Just take sufficient milk, grains, green vegetables, leaves, fruits, nuts, pulses, etc., to your capacity. It will be a balanced food.

(xi) One can worry about every component if he faces any heart issues or diabetes, etc in future. Till that, normal food with vegetables, grains, nuts, pulses, fruits and oils are enough.

So, be relieved. For normal people, normal food with all the above categories is sufficient.

Never think of meat for any need of nutrition.  For leading a normal life in this earth, vegetarian foods are sufficient.

So, It is not necessary to consider vegetarian foods inferior to fish & meat in supplying nutrients.


Author: RAJAN

Having a long observation and association with all sections of people for decades, Rajan is promoting online media in different platforms including this blog website to guide lakhs of regular followers to prevent and solve their problems. He gives complete Counsellings and Tips on Medical, Health, Psychological, Women safety, Child safety, Issues in Family Relations, Love, Marriage, Personal life, etc.! His services have helped thousands of people to come out of negative thoughts and to change their way of approaching the problems in their life and hence he is considered as their trusted FRIEND to share the problems and get them counselled. He is also well known to follow strict confidentiality in his counselling services.